A simple, powerful meditation to get rid of addictions. 5-31 minutes.
Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.
Straighten the spine and make sure the first six lower vertebrae are locked forward.
Make fists of both hands and extend the thumbs straight.
Place the thumbs on the temples and find the niche where the thumbs just fit. This is the lower anterior portion of the frontal bone above the temporal-sphenoidal suture.
Lock the back molars together and keep the lips closed.
Keeping the teeth pressed together throughout, alternately squeeze the molars tightly and then release the pressure. A muscle will move in rhythm under the thumbs. Feel it massage the thumbs and apply a firm pressure with the hands.
Keep the eyes closed and focus at the Brow Point.
Silently vibrate the five primal sounds—the Panj Shabd Sa Ta Na Ma—at the brow.